Corporate Social investment
The Goldrush Group operates as a gaming licensee in the South African marketplace. Our CSI initiatives need to complement the commitments we have made as a licensee and as a socially and economically responsible participant in the South African economy. Our undertaking is to primarily provide financial, technical and other assistance to the communities in which we operate. The Group will fund project based interventions and infrastructure in the following focus areas:
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development
- Sport development at grass roots level
- Cultural development
- Environment
- Welfare and Poverty Alleviation
- Employee involvement (volunteer work in any of the above focus areas).
- Music and Art
The company reserves the right to amend these focus areas on a yearly basis.
Exclusions for funding applications
The company will not consider funding for:
- Individuals
- Political parties or political candidates
- Religious organizations or activities representing a specific denomination
- Activities that create an environmental hazard
- Sponsoring events & fundraising.
- Operational costs such as staff salaries, rent and non-sustainable activities
- Direct funding to be directed to government, except in partnership on a community development project
- Organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender or sexual orientation
- Charitable fund raisers and beauty pageants

Monitoring and evaluation
- Any beneficiary will be expected to sign an agreement with the Goldrush Group to ensure that funds are managed appropriately.
- Proof of expenditure will be requested from beneficiary after disbursement of funds.
- Project progress report/s with pre and post images will be requested from beneficiary.
- Funder will conduct pre and post implementation site visits.
Funding allocation
- Applications for donations will be considered between R5,000.00 to R10,000.00.
- Applications for CSI funding should not be less than R10,000.00 and not exceed R1m per application.
- Sponsorship applications will only be considered between R10,000.00 and R100,000.00.

Corporate Social investment
The Goldrush Group operates as a gaming licensee in the South African marketplace. Our CSI initiatives need to complement the commitments we have made as a licensee and as a socially and economically responsible participant in the South African economy. Our undertaking is to primarily provide financial, technical and other assistance to the communities in which we operate. The Group will fund project based interventions and infrastructure in the following focus areas:
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development
- Sport development at grass roots level
- Cultural development
- Environment
- Welfare and Poverty Alleviation
- Employee involvement (volunteer work in any of the above focus areas).
- Music and Art
The company reserves the right to amend these focus areas on a yearly basis.
Exclusions for funding applications
The company will not consider funding for:
- Individuals
- Political parties or political candidates
- Religious organizations or activities representing a specific denomination
- Activities that create an environmental hazard
- Sponsoring events & fundraising.
- Operational costs such as staff salaries, rent and non-sustainable activities
- Direct funding to be directed to government, except in partnership on a community development project
- Organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender or sexual orientation
- Charitable fund raisers and beauty pageants

Monitoring and evaluation:
- Any beneficiary will be expected to sign an agreement with the Goldrush Group to ensure that funds are managed appropriately.
- Proof of expenditure will be requested from beneficiary after disbursement of funds.
- Project progress report/s with pre and post images will be requested from beneficiary.
- Funder will conduct pre and post implementation site visits.
Funding allocation:
- Applications for donations will be considered between R5,000.00 to R10,000.00.
- Applications for CSI funding should not be less than R10,000.00 and not exceed R1m per application.
- Sponsorship applications will only be considered between R10,000.00 and R100,000.00.